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5.3.9 Invoking p11tool

Program that allows operations on PKCS #11 smart cards and security modules.

To use PKCS #11 tokens with GnuTLS the p11-kit configuration files need to be setup. That is create a .module file in /etc/pkcs11/modules with the contents ’module: /path/to/’. Alternatively the configuration file /etc/gnutls/pkcs11.conf has to exist and contain a number of lines of the form ’load=/usr/lib/’.

You can provide the PIN to be used for the PKCS #11 operations with the environment variables GNUTLS_PIN and GNUTLS_SO_PIN.

p11tool help/usage (-?)

The text printed is the same whether selected with the help option (--help) or the more-help option (--more-help). more-help will print the usage text by passing it through a pager program. more-help is disabled on platforms without a working fork(2) function. The PAGER environment variable is used to select the program, defaulting to more. Both will exit with a status code of 0.

p11tool - GnuTLS PKCS #11 tool
Usage:  p11tool [ -<flag> [<val>] | --<name>[{=| }<val>] ]... [url]



       --list-tokens          List all available tokens
       --list-token-urls      List the URLs available tokens
       --list-mechanisms      List all available mechanisms in a token
       --initialize           Initializes a PKCS #11 token
       --initialize-pin       Initializes/Resets a PKCS #11 token user PIN
       --initialize-so-pin    Initializes/Resets a PKCS #11 token security officer PIN
       --set-pin=str          Specify the PIN to use on token operations
       --set-so-pin=str       Specify the Security Officer's PIN to use on token initialization

Object listing:

       --list-all             List all available objects in a token
       --list-all-certs       List all available certificates in a token
       --list-certs           List all certificates that have an associated private key
       --list-all-privkeys    List all available private keys in a token
       --list-privkeys        an alias for the 'list-all-privkeys' option
       --list-keys            an alias for the 'list-all-privkeys' option
       --list-all-trusted     List all available certificates marked as trusted
       --export               Export the object specified by the URL
				- prohibits these options:
       --export-stapled       Export the certificate object specified by the URL
				- prohibits these options:
       --export-chain         Export the certificate specified by the URL and its chain of trust
				- prohibits these options:
       --export-pubkey        Export the public key for a private key
				- prohibits these options:
       --info                 List information on an available object in a token
       --trusted              an alias for the 'mark-trusted' option
       --distrusted           an alias for the 'mark-distrusted' option

Key generation:

       --generate-privkey=str Generate private-public key pair of given type
       --bits=num             Specify the number of bits for the key generate
       --curve=str            Specify the curve used for EC key generation
       --sec-param=str        Specify the security level

Writing objects:

       --set-id=str           Set the CKA_ID (in hex) for the specified by the URL object
				- prohibits the option 'write'
       --set-label=str        Set the CKA_LABEL for the specified by the URL object
				- prohibits these options:
       --write                Writes the loaded objects to a PKCS #11 token
       --delete               Deletes the objects matching the given PKCS #11 URL
       --label=str            Sets a label for the write operation
       --id=str               Sets an ID for the write operation
       --mark-wrap            Marks the generated key to be a wrapping key
       --mark-trusted         Marks the object to be written as trusted
				- prohibits the option 'mark-distrusted'
       --mark-distrusted      When retrieving objects, it requires the objects to be distrusted
				- prohibits the option 'mark-trusted'
       --mark-decrypt         Marks the object to be written for decryption
       --mark-sign            Marks the object to be written for signature generation
       --mark-ca              Marks the object to be written as a CA
       --mark-private         Marks the object to be written as private
       --ca                   an alias for the 'mark-ca' option
       --private              an alias for the 'mark-private' option
       --mark-always-authenticate  Marks the object to be written as always authenticate
       --secret-key=str       Provide a hex encoded secret key
       --load-privkey=file    Private key file to use
				- file must pre-exist
       --load-pubkey=file     Public key file to use
				- file must pre-exist
       --load-certificate=file Certificate file to use
				- file must pre-exist

Other options:

   -d, --debug=num            Enable debugging
				- it must be in the range:
				  0 to 9999
       --outfile=str          Output file
       --login                Force (user) login to token
       --so-login             Force security officer login to token
       --admin-login          an alias for the 'so-login' option
       --test-sign            Tests the signature operation of the provided object
       --sign-params=str      Sign with a specific signature algorithm
       --hash=str             Hash algorithm to use for signing
       --generate-random=num  Generate random data
   -8, --pkcs8                Use PKCS #8 format for private keys
       --inder                Use DER/RAW format for input
       --inraw                an alias for the 'inder' option
       --outder               Use DER format for output certificates, private keys, and DH parameters
       --outraw               an alias for the 'outder' option
       --provider=file        Specify the PKCS #11 provider library
       --detailed-url         Print detailed URLs
       --only-urls            Print a compact listing using only the URLs
       --batch                Disable all interaction with the tool

Version, usage and configuration options:

   -v, --version[=arg]        output version information and exit
   -h, --help                 display extended usage information and exit
   -!, --more-help            extended usage information passed thru pager

Options are specified by doubled hyphens and their name or by a single
hyphen and the flag character.
Operands and options may be intermixed.  They will be reordered.

Program that allows operations on PKCS #11 smart cards
and security modules. 

To use PKCS #11 tokens with GnuTLS the p11-kit configuration files need to be setup.
That is create a .module file in /etc/pkcs11/modules with the contents 'module: /path/to/'.
Alternatively the configuration file /etc/gnutls/pkcs11.conf has to exist and contain a number
of lines of the form 'load=/usr/lib/'.

You can provide the PIN to be used for the PKCS #11 operations with the environment variables

Please send bug reports to:  <>

token-related-options options


list-token-urls option.

This is the “list the urls available tokens” option. This is a more compact version of –list-tokens.

initialize-so-pin option.

This is the “initializes/resets a pkcs #11 token security officer pin” option. This initializes the security officer’s PIN. When used non-interactively use the GNUTLS_NEW_SO_PIN environment variables to initialize SO’s PIN.

set-pin option.

This is the “specify the pin to use on token operations” option. This option takes a ArgumentType.STRING argument. Alternatively the GNUTLS_PIN environment variable may be used.

set-so-pin option.

This is the “specify the security officer’s pin to use on token initialization” option. This option takes a ArgumentType.STRING argument. Alternatively the GNUTLS_SO_PIN environment variable may be used.

object-list-related-options options

Object listing.

list-all option.

This is the “list all available objects in a token” option. All objects available in the token will be listed. That includes objects which are potentially unaccessible using this tool.

list-all-certs option.

This is the “list all available certificates in a token” option. That option will also provide more information on the certificates, for example, expand the attached extensions in a trust token (like p11-kit-trust).

list-certs option.

This is the “list all certificates that have an associated private key” option. That option will only display certificates which have a private key associated with them (share the same ID).

list-all-privkeys option.

This is the “list all available private keys in a token” option. Lists all the private keys in a token that match the specified URL.

list-privkeys option.

This is an alias for the list-all-privkeys option, see the list-all-privkeys option documentation.

list-keys option.

This is an alias for the list-all-privkeys option, see the list-all-privkeys option documentation.

export-stapled option.

This is the “export the certificate object specified by the url” option.

This option has some usage constraints. It:

Exports the certificate specified by the URL while including any attached extensions to it. Since attached extensions are a p11-kit extension, this option is only available on p11-kit registered trust modules.

export-chain option.

This is the “export the certificate specified by the url and its chain of trust” option.

This option has some usage constraints. It:

Exports the certificate specified by the URL and generates its chain of trust based on the stored certificates in the module.

export-pubkey option.

This is the “export the public key for a private key” option.

This option has some usage constraints. It:

Exports the public key for the specified private key

trusted option.

This is an alias for the mark-trusted option, see the mark-trusted option documentation.

distrusted option.

This is an alias for the mark-distrusted option, see the mark-distrusted option documentation.

keygen-related-options options

Key generation.

generate-privkey option.

This is the “generate private-public key pair of given type” option. This option takes a ArgumentType.STRING argument. Generates a private-public key pair in the specified token. Acceptable types are RSA, ECDSA, Ed25519, and DSA. Should be combined with –sec-param or –bits.

generate-rsa option.

This is the “generate an rsa private-public key pair” option. Generates an RSA private-public key pair on the specified token. Should be combined with –sec-param or –bits.


generate-dsa option.

This is the “generate a dsa private-public key pair” option. Generates a DSA private-public key pair on the specified token. Should be combined with –sec-param or –bits.


generate-ecc option.

This is the “generate an ecdsa private-public key pair” option. Generates an ECDSA private-public key pair on the specified token. Should be combined with –curve, –sec-param or –bits.


bits option.

This is the “specify the number of bits for the key generate” option. This option takes a ArgumentType.NUMBER argument. For applications which have no key-size restrictions the –sec-param option is recommended, as the sec-param levels will adapt to the acceptable security levels with the new versions of gnutls.

curve option.

This is the “specify the curve used for ec key generation” option. This option takes a ArgumentType.STRING argument. Supported values are secp192r1, secp224r1, secp256r1, secp384r1 and secp521r1.

sec-param option.

This is the “specify the security level” option. This option takes a ArgumentType.STRING argument Security parameter. This is alternative to the bits option. Available options are [low, legacy, medium, high, ultra].

write-object-related-options options

Writing objects.

set-id option.

This is the “set the cka_id (in hex) for the specified by the url object” option. This option takes a ArgumentType.STRING argument.

This option has some usage constraints. It:

Modifies or sets the CKA_ID in the specified by the URL object. The ID should be specified in hexadecimal format without a ’0x’ prefix.

set-label option.

This is the “set the cka_label for the specified by the url object” option. This option takes a ArgumentType.STRING argument.

This option has some usage constraints. It:

Modifies or sets the CKA_LABEL in the specified by the URL object

write option.

This is the “writes the loaded objects to a pkcs #11 token” option. It can be used to write private, public keys, certificates or secret keys to a token. Must be combined with one of –load-privkey, –load-pubkey, –load-certificate option.

When writing a certificate object, its CKA_ID is set to the same CKA_ID of the corresponding public key, if it exists on the token; otherwise it will be derived from the X.509 Subject Key Identifier of the certificate. If this behavior is undesired, write the public key to the token beforehand.

id option.

This is the “sets an id for the write operation” option. This option takes a ArgumentType.STRING argument. Sets the CKA_ID to be set by the write operation. The ID should be specified in hexadecimal format without a ’0x’ prefix.

mark-wrap option.

This is the “marks the generated key to be a wrapping key” option. Marks the generated key with the CKA_WRAP flag.

mark-trusted option.

This is the “marks the object to be written as trusted” option.

This option has some usage constraints. It:

Marks the object to be generated/written with the CKA_TRUST flag.

mark-distrusted option.

This is the “when retrieving objects, it requires the objects to be distrusted” option.

This option has some usage constraints. It:

Ensures that the objects retrieved have the CKA_X_TRUST flag. This is p11-kit trust module extension, thus this flag is only valid with p11-kit registered trust modules.

mark-decrypt option.

This is the “marks the object to be written for decryption” option. Marks the object to be generated/written with the CKA_DECRYPT flag set to true.

mark-sign option.

This is the “marks the object to be written for signature generation” option. Marks the object to be generated/written with the CKA_SIGN flag set to true.

mark-ca option.

This is the “marks the object to be written as a ca” option. Marks the object to be generated/written with the CKA_CERTIFICATE_CATEGORY as CA.

mark-private option.

This is the “marks the object to be written as private” option. Marks the object to be generated/written with the CKA_PRIVATE flag. The written object will require a PIN to be used.

ca option.

This is an alias for the mark-ca option, see the mark-ca option documentation.

private option.

This is an alias for the mark-private option, see the mark-private option documentation.

mark-always-authenticate option.

This is the “marks the object to be written as always authenticate” option. Marks the object to be generated/written with the CKA_ALWAYS_AUTHENTICATE flag. The written object will Mark the object as requiring authentication (pin entry) before every operation.

secret-key option.

This is the “provide a hex encoded secret key” option. This option takes a ArgumentType.STRING argument. This secret key will be written to the module if –write is specified.

other-options options

Other options.

debug option (-d).

This is the “enable debugging” option. This option takes a ArgumentType.NUMBER argument. Specifies the debug level.

so-login option.

This is the “force security officer login to token” option. Forces login to the token as security officer (admin).

admin-login option.

This is an alias for the so-login option, see the so-login option documentation.

test-sign option.

This is the “tests the signature operation of the provided object” option. It can be used to test the correct operation of the signature operation. If both a private and a public key are available this operation will sign and verify the signed data.

sign-params option.

This is the “sign with a specific signature algorithm” option. This option takes a ArgumentType.STRING argument. This option can be combined with –test-sign, to sign with a specific signature algorithm variant. The only option supported is ’RSA-PSS’, and should be specified in order to use RSA-PSS signature on RSA keys.

hash option.

This is the “hash algorithm to use for signing” option. This option takes a ArgumentType.STRING argument. This option can be combined with test-sign. Available hash functions are SHA1, RMD160, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, SHA3-224, SHA3-256, SHA3-384, SHA3-512.

generate-random option.

This is the “generate random data” option. This option takes a ArgumentType.NUMBER argument. Asks the token to generate a number of bytes of random bytes.

inder option.

This is the “use der/raw format for input” option. Use DER/RAW format for input certificates and private keys.

inraw option.

This is an alias for the inder option, see the inder option documentation.

outder option.

This is the “use der format for output certificates, private keys, and dh parameters” option. The output will be in DER or RAW format.

outraw option.

This is an alias for the outder option, see the outder option documentation.

provider option.

This is the “specify the pkcs #11 provider library” option. This option takes a ArgumentType.FILE argument. This will override the default options in /etc/gnutls/pkcs11.conf

provider-opts option.

This is the “specify parameters for the pkcs #11 provider library” option. This option takes a ArgumentType.STRING argument. This is a PKCS#11 internal option used by few modules. Mainly for testing PKCS#11 modules.


batch option.

This is the “disable all interaction with the tool” option. In batch mode there will be no prompts, all parameters need to be specified on command line.

version option (-v).

This is the “output version information and exit” option. This option takes a ArgumentType.KEYWORD argument. Output version of program and exit. The default mode is ‘v’, a simple version. The ‘c’ mode will print copyright information and ‘n’ will print the full copyright notice.

help option (-h).

This is the “display extended usage information and exit” option. Display usage information and exit.

more-help option (-!).

This is the “extended usage information passed thru pager” option. Pass the extended usage information through a pager.

p11tool exit status

One of the following exit values will be returned:


Successful program execution.


The operation failed or the command syntax was not valid.

p11tool See Also

certtool (1)

p11tool Examples

To view all tokens in your system use:

$ p11tool --list-tokens

To view all objects in a token use:

$ p11tool --login --list-all "pkcs11:TOKEN-URL"

To store a private key and a certificate in a token run:

$ p11tool --login --write "pkcs11:URL" --load-privkey key.pem \
          --label "Mykey"
$ p11tool --login --write "pkcs11:URL" --load-certificate cert.pem \
          --label "Mykey"

Note that some tokens require the same label to be used for the certificate and its corresponding private key.

To generate an RSA private key inside the token use:

$ p11tool --login --generate-privkey rsa --bits 1024 --label "MyNewKey" \
          --outfile "pkcs11:TOKEN-URL"

The bits parameter in the above example is explicitly set because some tokens only support limited choices in the bit length. The output file is the corresponding public key. This key can be used to general a certificate request with certtool.

certtool --generate-request --load-privkey "pkcs11:KEY-URL" \
   --load-pubkey --outfile request.pem

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